Stunning Portland Heights estate overlooking the city. Enjoy classic details and modern amenities.
Photo by Daniel Sherman
Kat Dierickx | Outdoor Project
Fall is a beautiful time in Portland, and you should definitely get out and see some of the amazing fall colors in the area. Nature adds orange, red, yellow, and purple to the greens, blues and browns of the summer months. The best places to watch colors change are anywhere you find deciduous trees. Aspen, bigleaf maple, and western larch are a few of the most transformational trees. Here are seven of my favorite fall hikes near Portland, but be sure to explore the featured adventures below for other great options close to the city. Click here for more info.
By Clare Trepasso
With home prices at a new record high and homes flying off the market in hours in some cases, it’s no wonder that Google searches for “when is the housing market going to crash” have spiked dramatically in recent weeks. After all, the mania seems reminiscent of the run-up to the housing bubble in the mid-2000s—and we’ve all been told that what goes up must eventually come down.
However, housing is likely to keep defying common sense. Experts say there’s no reason to prepare for a crash landing like we experienced in 2008 and 2009. This time around, the reason for the out-of-control prices is simply that there are many more buyers than there are properties for sale. Another simple rule: Prices rise when there is more demand than supply. Crazy, it seems, is the new normal.